Tuesday 4 June 2013

A Tribute to an Angel

On 3rd June 2013, 10.50 am (GMT+8), I lost a great friend.

She fought a good fight all the years I knew her.

My first few years of serving in ministry, she was there with me.

We worshipped, we prayed, we laughed, we cried.

She showed me how living life could be so precious.

She laughed out loud always.

A wise and witty girl she was.

I remembered one night in Sacred Heart Parish Center,

I saw her arm with a needle sticking in it.

She said she sneaked out from the hospital for the night.

Tomorrow morning she had to go back.

I remembered laughing and singing along in her Kelisa,

while she and Egn drove me home.

That was when Kambing Kicik and Kambing Besar came into picture.

How could I forget her supportive sisterly love,

when she accompanied me to confront the someone who hurt me a lot?

And the wise advice she'd give me?

Nothing deterred her from living life to the fullest.

She was an example I gave my students when I was a teacher.

We briefly chatted on WhatsApp ages ago.

The next time I go back to KK,

we would go "jalan-jalan cari makan".

This summer, she will not be there.

But I know she's with Daddy God.

All healed and complete.

No more overnight transfusion.

No more hospitalization.

Now she's with her mom.

Maybe she met my dad too.

In the place where Jesus has prepared for us all.

Till we meet again, my dear sister in Christ,

I will be strong.

I will live my life to the fullest.

I will tell others your story.

A story of faith, hope and love.

You have run and finished the race first.

Say hi to Daddy God and Jesus.

I miss you, Tity.

Safe trip to heaven, sis.

Bye for now.
 — with Charlene Dawn Toyong.