Thursday 22 October 2015

PLOS Synthetic Biology Event: Interview with Dr. Fuzhong Zhang

There's an event coming up this afternoon, 4pm UK time - an interview by Dr. Steven Burgess (Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge) with Dr. Fuzhong Zhang (University of Washington, St Louis) on the role of cyanobacteria in space (and more!). Dr. Zhang's research is currently funded by NASA and it'll be cool to join them in the discussion on NASA research.

Click here to join the Google Hangout session

If you guys have watched the Martian, you probably know what this movie is one of the few which featured a botanist as a hero in a film. Dr. Zhang is researching on growing cyanobacteria in space. There are other research going around the world - including growing plants in soil from Mars, etc.

Your job will be to ask questions during the interview!

Just in case you wonder how does cyanobacteria looks like. Here's an image of it!

Enjoy yourselves!

#syntheticbiology #PLOSSynbio #livestream #interview #cyanobacteria's role in #space #research #NASA today 4pm BST

Thursday 15 October 2015

PhD: A Decision in Life (. or ?)

A last minute plea from a fellow Malaysian to fill in the slot for another PhD student who was supposed to share his/her PhD experience brought me to an eye-opener PhD event by the Cambridge University Biological Society (BioSoc). It was interesting how the event was designed - where types of PhDs available in UK and US were discussed, how to get into a PhD programme, what are the requirements, how PhD is linked to industries (thus no longer confined to academia alone) and finally some form of sharing by a graduate student about the Cambridge graduate experience (that's where I came in).

What I thought was interesting in my talk, of which my boyfriend found it amusing as well is this:
"PhD is not a bed of roses; it is more like walking through the rose bushes where the thorns are poking at us but we'll end up looking at the roses one we get through the bushes".

Other than that, a work-life balance is crucial to stay sane and keep going with our PhD battle. We're all warriors, but remember, we're already first a champion in our lives, when the strongest sperm met the ovum and created us.

I wanted to discuss a bit about the "full stop" and the "question mark" in the opening slide but somehow I didn't. Some people are questioning if they should do a PhD, and some have already decided to do a PhD no matter what happened. Life is full of twists and turns. Ten years down the road, I may not be doing what I'm doing now. But, it is still something I won't regret doing..

So, hang in there, people!

I've attached my slides here (with some info on the deadlines of application for Cambridge).