Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Keep Calm and Start Writing!

How apt is this "keep calm" phrase!

Some of my friends have begun writing their theses, some had completed and submitted. As for me, I am just starting my PhD journey (finally!) when I joined this lab (Physiological Ecological Group). Looking at how four months flew off like lightning, I should begin writing the first year report soon since the deadline is on 1st June.

The reluctant mind and body says, "There is still time. Chillax!" But both know better that it is only a lie. One thing would lead to another, and there are thousands, if not millions of papers I need to wade through in order to seek for the knowledge. I have yet to start writing the ONE word needed for me to begin.

It's time to think. It's time to start writing. I shall.. Within this week. Now, I shall give my pair of fatigues eyes a rest. Ciao!

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Positive suggestions help to keep me going. Thanks! :)