Saturday 5 October 2013

Invisibility in Families

Visibility defines something which can be seen.


Likewise, has the opposite meaning.

More often than not,

The sense of not being appreciated exists.

It probably started off young.

Family members overlooking achievements,

Thinking some can be left unsaid.

Is it that hard to feel happy for your own child?

Is it so challenging to congratulate one another?

I won't blame it on Asian culture.

This scenario occurs globally.

Parents downplay children's ability,

Siblings tease each other's skills.

Rivalries are the only thriving concept.

"Why can't you be like so-and-so?"

"Why aren't you giving as much as so-and-so?"

"Why does your job pay you so little? Unlike so-and-so."

"You can't do things right like your brother."

"Your sister has got straight As, so must you."

"Are you embarrassed of the scar? Don't repeat it again!"

"If you want me to love you, be good."

Guess who is the happiest when this happens?


The devil.


All these idiosyncrasies drive family apart.

All these rivalries lead children into their caves.

Hurt, unloved, invisible.

Why instilling rivalry is preferred?

Why appreciation is so expensive?

Many have inner child who never grew up,

Just because all they knew was rejection.

And if you believe in God,

Where is love?

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