Monday 30 September 2013

Home Away From Home

Where is home?

It is where one is accepted and loved,

no matter how and what they do.

Many tend to feel lonely,

thinking where they are is where home is.

It could be a dysfunctional family,

it could be a dominant, overbearing mother,

it could be a demanding wife,

it could be an absent husband,

it could be an inconsiderate sibling.

Home is where we are celebrated.

Not because of what we do,

but because of who we are.

Don't tell me what I should do,

or what I should not do.

If you don't live my life,

or know my situation,

then perhaps it is safe to say,

accept me even when I'm so dang imperfect.

Am I home?

Am I away from home?

I know where my true Home is.

But my time has yet to arrive.

My calling is to be in the world,

where I make temporary stays.

Maybe that's where your true Home is too.

Where God resides and embraces us all,

no matter who we are,

what we do,

how we think.

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Positive suggestions help to keep me going. Thanks! :)