I'm under a lot of stress trying to come out from the state of stupidity and uncertainties (with not much progress these days). I'm trying to grab as many hours of solo working as I can in the office with perfect lighting for work. It means asking an owl to wake up and hunt in the morning. Not much of choice, since morning is the best time to work as there is practically nobody in the office before noon!
Source: http://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large/sleepy-owl-mandy-wiltse.jpg |
I've recently saw an infographic which I found rather useful as some form of self-motivation. I don't have anyone who would "be there and support" me no matter what happens. Nope, nobody could truly understand the estrange condition and dysfunctions of that institution/structure of which I am a permanent member (not by choice). So, I only have God as my only source of strength, and yes, friends who have been my friends long enough that they are my family, my spiritual home. When I go through difficult times, the thought of God is with me (c.f. Psalm 46:10) helps me go through those periods.
Here's something everyone could do with, rather than complaining all the time of that workplace situation, make a difference by making a change in our own life!
Source: http://designtaxi.com/news/366397/Infographic-18-Ways-To-Be-More-Positive-At-Work/ |
I'm not perfect, and never will be. All I hope is I could complete this PhD and go on doing something which makes a difference in my battered life and in the lives of others.