Wednesday 25 June 2014

The Big Q

Finally, I've arrived to the stage of forming the Big Q for my PhD research! *tears of joy*

MALARIA shall be my journey for the next three years (and whatever that might pop up as this continues).

I have a report deadline in 1.5 hours with the MA to earn the upgrade from "cause for concern" to "fair" on his supervisor report. Scary!!!!


Monday 23 June 2014

Big Brains or Big Data??

My team and I have worked for the past few months to gather the best speakers and promote this upcoming conference (Friday, 27 June 2014). We'll have two speakers speaking to audience in Cambridge from the U.S., one of them being the Research Director of Google Inc. To find out more about our conference, visit our website "Evolution of Innovation: Big Brains or Big Data?"

Literature Review

In the midst of searching for the light at the end of a dark tunnel, I begin to wonder how to do I wade out of the marshland of "Hows?". I know more reading, and more questioning, might help the process. And I wish for more shortcuts to understand the papers I'm reading as I form that big Q. It seems to me that everybody seems to have a relatively easy time to form the big research Q, minus me. When will I be able to form a proper big Q which is good enough to impress the MA?

Everyone has his own method of literature review. Mine may not be the latest method. This is just what I know and most comfortable with. Let's return to MY way of systematic literature search:

  1. I start with the journal which is directly related to my topic of interest.
  2. Chronologically, I chose to start from the latest discoveries - some research paper with direct interests which seems pretty similar to my research group's methods of interest.
  3. For more comprehensive understanding of the topic, I choose the latest review paper.
  4. It is important to take note of the list of references of those papers I am reading.
  5. More reading, and note taking.
This is a method I found published on the student support website of UCLan..

I'd recommend the use of Mendeley desktop to aid the walk in the forest of references. So far I find using a reference manager very helpful and systematic. Others might have different recommendations.

Thursday 19 June 2014

One's Beauty Might be Another's Thrash

My recent input of research questions is officially thrash which is deemed unfit to be done at this point. Too backwards, pointless and over-simplified for this group I'm in. I wouldn't say what I want to do is something stupid, it is just more industrious rather than academic, more focused on forensics than evolutionary. So it's unsuitable, and uninteresting from another point of view. So, bye-bye full-on forensics genetics for now. I guess this can't be help, when I'd rather try to find what would cost less for a third world, developing country to apply, where I am placed right now has excellent methods, human resources, and hardware to execute sophisticated analyses. I guess I need to discard the third-world mentality and embrace sophistication for now.

A negative progress is still a progress. Indeed. It is.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Positive Workplace Attitudes

I'm under a lot of stress trying to come out from the state of stupidity and uncertainties (with not much progress these days). I'm trying to grab as many hours of solo working as I can in the office with perfect lighting for work. It means asking an owl to wake up and hunt in the morning. Not much of choice, since morning is the best time to work as there is practically nobody in the office before noon!

I've recently saw an infographic which I found rather useful as some form of self-motivation. I don't have anyone who would "be there and support" me no matter what happens. Nope, nobody could truly understand the estrange condition and dysfunctions of that institution/structure of which I am a permanent member (not by choice). So, I only have God as my only source of strength, and yes, friends who have been my friends long enough that they are my family, my spiritual home. When I go through difficult times, the thought of God is with me (c.f. Psalm 46:10) helps me go through those periods.

Here's something everyone could do with, rather than complaining all the time of that workplace situation, make a difference by making a change in our own life!

I'm not perfect, and never will be. All I hope is I could complete this PhD and go on doing something which makes a difference in my battered life and in the lives of others.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

The Fifth Month of PhD

In another seven months, I will either be deported back to Malaysia without completing a PhD, or successfully passed the benchmark of first year. I have three days before hitting the end of my fifth month here at Cambridge, and entering the sixth month of this caffeine-pumped, worries-filled life of mine.

Developing a proper research area and questions is something which has been bugging me since day one of my PhD. I know everyone is worried, especially the Man Above (MA). I do have some ideas forming at the back of my mind right now, but I'd have to test them out before talking to him. MA is a kind supervisor, but it is due to my own guilt of not doing enough that I find him fearsome. I guess I'd have to slowly work out that fear and guilt I feel within me when it comes to speaking to MA.

I'm still keen on doing forensics-related research which has connection with my team's main work on Molecular Evolutionary Genomic Analysis. It all has to do with my previous Masters research on DNA profiling. It is all possible, but I'd need to read more before presenting the baby to him. Let's just say I'm interested in the works on Kenneth K. Kidd for now...
