Monday 23 June 2014

Literature Review

In the midst of searching for the light at the end of a dark tunnel, I begin to wonder how to do I wade out of the marshland of "Hows?". I know more reading, and more questioning, might help the process. And I wish for more shortcuts to understand the papers I'm reading as I form that big Q. It seems to me that everybody seems to have a relatively easy time to form the big research Q, minus me. When will I be able to form a proper big Q which is good enough to impress the MA?

Everyone has his own method of literature review. Mine may not be the latest method. This is just what I know and most comfortable with. Let's return to MY way of systematic literature search:

  1. I start with the journal which is directly related to my topic of interest.
  2. Chronologically, I chose to start from the latest discoveries - some research paper with direct interests which seems pretty similar to my research group's methods of interest.
  3. For more comprehensive understanding of the topic, I choose the latest review paper.
  4. It is important to take note of the list of references of those papers I am reading.
  5. More reading, and note taking.
This is a method I found published on the student support website of UCLan..

I'd recommend the use of Mendeley desktop to aid the walk in the forest of references. So far I find using a reference manager very helpful and systematic. Others might have different recommendations.

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Positive suggestions help to keep me going. Thanks! :)