Thursday 14 May 2015

Scientific Walk in Romantic Sintra

I went away last weekend to refocus and refresh before this hectic season. I'm in the process of writing my first year report, but at this moment, I am kinda frozen in time and space. So, as what the trainer of the Graduate School of Life Sciences (GSLS) suggested, I begin a short piece of free writing on some random topic.

Finally, I was in Sintra. After pondering for a few nights on which part of Sintra I should do and how much I was willing to spend, I've decided on Castelo dos Mouros (Moorish Castle) and Parque e Palacio Nacional da Pena (Pena National Palace and Park).
View of Palacio Nacional da Pena from Castelo Dos Mouros at the spot where King Ferdinand II loved as he found it an inspiration for his romantic ideals.

My favourite picture of the Castelo
It was an amazing journey and I did take many excellent shots of the breathtaking views, and plants! I never thought I'd end up in the Dept of Plant Sciences, but since I'm already in it, I should make the best out of it. I may be a ChlamyScientist working on molecular biology/physiology of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, but my colleagues are great physiologists/ecologists. I'm beginning to see beyond the green and to see each plant as a different species. It will take time, but I hope I can make my way closer to them greenies.

Navelwort I think... also in Parque Nacional da Pena

Sedum sp. in Parque Nacional da Pena

Fascicularia bicolor, a Bromeliad in Castelo Dos Mouros

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