Tuesday 27 May 2014

PH525x Data Analysis for Genomics

Source: http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/ac/5d/b1/ac5db17580e6bd3ad70f2584b0cb3cc8.jpg
I need a change of learning pace. I've realised it for a while now, but yes, I procrastinated like crazy and persisted in stubbornness. Ahh... well, yeah. I've heard about edX a while ago, but thanks to the procrastinator who lives in me, I've delayed utilising this very good website properly. It is high time to enter into a learning frenzy before I fly off to Krakow next Thursday.

I've signed up for two courses, one is "Data Analysis for Genomics". This program is conducted by Professor Rafael A Irizarry and Dr. Michael Love from Harvard University, which is the founder of edX. Actually the course started on 7th April but I signed up to audit for this course a few minutes ago. Fingers crossed it will help me in my PhD. I'm a bit desperate, but I guess being desperate right now can be a good thing rather than being desperate at the end of my first year not knowing if I'll successfully proceed to my 2nd year or not.

You could find out more about this leader of an online learning movement, MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), on their website (click on the edX image below). As mentioned, the founders of edX are Harvard University and the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). edX offers online college courses to everyone and anyone in the world. I guess the only reason one will not learn is when one decides not to learn.

So wish me luck and pray for me!


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