Everyone needs a personalised toolkit in order to achieve their goals.
A surgeon needs his tools and team to ensure his patient can undergo a safe and successful operation under him.
Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/08/Surgeons_at_Work.jpg |
An artist needs his brushes and paints and canvases to produce beautiful paintings.
Source: http://columbiametro.com/images/cache/cache_3/cache_d/cache_c/3dc8a408a597b5d093d73c57cc67ea3a.jpeg?ver=1400749198&aspectratio=1.5 |
A mountaineer needs reliable mountain gears to ensure he arrives at the top of a snowy mountain safely.
Source: http://www.mountainguides.com/photos/gear/backpack-tahoma.jpg |
As for me, a PhD probationary kid, I need to achieve part of this network of computational biology.
Source: http://compbio.mit.edu/teaching.jpg |
So, the first step is to understand what it is all about, and to find the right tools to start working on it. It seems to me that I am looking more into the area of computational genomics in the sense of biological anthropology these days, so there are a set of tools (packages or whatever one would call that) which I can pack in my imaginary backpack to get me going.
Source: http://www.compbio.cmu.edu/images/background.gif |
Will I be able to form a proper research question by the end of my 6 months here? I have another month to ponder about this. While pondering, more packing to be done for the next chapter of my journey...
Source: https://cord-global.terradotta.com/_customtags/ct_Image.cfm?Image_ID=57 |
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Positive suggestions help to keep me going. Thanks! :)