Saturday 13 July 2013


I never realise how important languages are,

but I enjoy learning them.

The only time I rejected the learning process,

was when I got frustrated,

trying to make out what the Spanish lecturer said.

"Mi professora no hablar Ingles.

Pero, yo no entiendo espaƱol."

I didn't even understand a single word back then.

Except Hola!

She spoke no English.

That was the one time I got frustrated learning.

Language ability is one thing I inherited from both my parents.


I watched a random Spanish video.

Saw a comment by a fellow Malaysian.

Very innocent "only in Malaysia" comment.

Some very random Spanish guy actually called him stupid.

And didn't believe that Spanish is spoken in Malaysia.

Aww man...

I can't believe it.

Obviously we don't.

Use Google search and anyone would know.

This is the one time I posted a LONG comment for this random guy.


Why use internet when not using it wisely?!

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