Wednesday 10 July 2013

Malaysia Truly Asia...

I come from a lovely and interesting country.


We have so many ethnic groups that I have no idea how many.

In another month, the Muslims will celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

Being Malaysian, I can feel the Raya season,

despite not being in Malaysia.

Today I'm featuring a sharing from Hariz Said...

An easy to understand guide for non-Muslim about Ramadhan:

1. Ramadhan is the most sacred month for all Muslims. So, that's why you notice all the fuss about Ramadhan among your Muslim friends.

2. It is the month where Muslims fast for thirty days from dawn (just before sunrise to sunset). This is why some of your Muslim colleagues may refuse to eat during the day or participate in strenuous activity

3. Because it is such a sacred month, most Muslims are quite conscious of their action and some may use this time to kick out a bad habit or spend more time with their religion. Do not feel bad if you feel as though your friend is ignoring you, he/she does not mean any harm and need your help to become better individuals.

4. It is time when Muslims are encouraged to be very generous. It is very common for Muslims to invite non-Muslims to participate in breaking fast with them and it really means a lot to them if you could partake in it.

5. Even though we are fasting, we do not consider it to be rude if you are eating or drinking in front of us. We have given up worldly things like food for the sake of God. Some of us might feel very awkward if our non-muslim friends start to become overly-conscious about offending us. (Although, we appreciate your sensitivity for some of you who choose to eat in places where you might not find us. ie. cafeteria, canteen)

6. It is a time when hearts are soft and a way for you to make us feel very good about our friendship especially when you show interest in our faith and try to understand about our faith

7. We welcome non-Muslims who want to fast with us and we'll gladly share our meal with you when the sun goes down. Some of you might be thinking of trying out fasting because you want to convert. Please do and tell us if you need help

To all my non-Muslim friends, I leave you with the greeting of peace (Assalamualaikum) and the greeting of "Congratulations, it's Ramadhan!"(Ramadhan Mubarak)

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